Dynare 4.6.4 with Octave 6.2.0: Windows 10 installation guide

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This is a quick video tutorial for Windows 10 on how to (1) install GNU Octave 6.2.0, (2) install Dynare 4.6.4, (3) add the path of Dynare to Octave and (4) test if everything is working.


  • 00:46 - Installing GNU Octave 6.2.0
  • 01:45 - Installing additional Octave packages
  • 02:18 - Installing Dynare 4.6.4
  • 02:36 - Choose destination folder on local disk (don’t use cloud storage folders or network drives)
  • 03:05 - Quick overview Dynare folder
  • 03:15 - Add Dynare to Octave’s path via addpath (don’t use GUI as this might mess up other computations you do in Octave)
  • 03:21 - First check: just run Dynare
  • 03:23 - Create folder for mod files on local disk (don’t use cloud storage folders or network drives)
  • 03:44 - Copy example1.mod
  • 04:08 - Second check: run example1.mod
  • 04:33 - Outro
  • 04:49 - References

Hints & Corrections

  • Make sure you install Dynare and put your mod files on your local disk and not a cloud storage folder or a network drive.